Breathe. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth . . . ahhh. Repeat, then repeat again, and keep repeating until you feel a little calmer.
March 2020 has put a spin on our lives that we thought we'd never see, something we never even thought of as a possibility of something we'd see.
Raise your hand if your emotions have risen to a new level lately - with your feelings consisting of uncertainty, fear, stress, or other negativity-based thoughts. These brought on by the changes in national and local law, scarcity of toilet paper and a new role of full-time cattle - er - kid wrangler.
If your hand shot up, it doesn't mean this area of wellness is "bad" in your life, right now, it just means you are real. Feeling these things is natural, but what I challenge you to do is to acknowledge those feelings and then channel your energy into a conversion of positive vibes like certainty, freedom, and peace.
Be certain that everything will work out for the best. Have faith! Be certain in knowing that how you handle these crazy wrenches thrown your way is how you're teaching your children to act/react to situations and stress. Be certain that in doing the right thing you can never go wrong. Be certain that showing kindness and love is something that will never go out of style.
I know our freedom has definitely taken on a new look. Rather than feel restricted and constricted, I hope you are in a situation where you can have more time at home - in this is the freedom to have more time with your family, freedom to tackle the to-do list that you've had going for the past few years. You have the freedom to read, learn a new language, write a book! You have an unseen opportunity to teach your kids games you used to play, teach your kids life lessons that they need to know (how to sew on a button, how to cook, how to write someone a thank you card!). What will you do with your new freedom?
Peace. The word alone brings a sense of calm. Many times we create our own chaos or create our own peace and calm with how we handle things that happen around us. I hope you know that there is a peace that comes in helping those around us in need. Find peace in knowing that you're doing your kids, your family, and your community right in a time of need by sharing your love and kindness . . . and peace with those around you.
Please don't let this certain chance at freedom and peace pass you by - <3
Now, breathe. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth . . . ahhh. Repeat, then repeat again, and keep repeating until you feel a little calmer.
Sending certainty, freedom, and peace your way, and don't forget to bring the joy! <3
Brianne <3