So you know how it is - while scrolling through Facebook, researching Pinterest, or clicking those endless email links, you get continually bombarded with these sinfully delicious recipes, kitschy cute DIY projects, or a new workout move that is a "must do" to blast fat and develop those abs in just minutes.
We also know how the receiving end goes: we save the recipe (we save it somewhere but between screen shots, emails to ourself and printed recipes, I don't know how on earth I actually keep track of all these "saved" recipes), we comment "Yum, that looks delicious!" on the post and keep scrolling.
We'll mentally store the project to do at home - and may even go as far as thinking about what piece of furniture that we have at home that we can forever change it's life with just a few brush strokes.
It never fails that we'll make a note of those workout moves in our phone to reference back to later so we can bust them out at the gym, or fit in a quick sweat sesh during those 6 minutes of quiet while the kids are busy. After all 6 minutes should be enough time to shred our midsection.
These dozens (probably hundreds) of must-do's are saved away and logged as "will do when we have time", many of them do you actually do?
We've all heard the phrase "All talk and no action", but have you heard, "If nothing changes, nothing changes", or what about, "If nothing ever changed there'd be no butterflies".
It's time to make a change and start taking action. Folks, this doesn't have to be anything big and earth shattering - start by doing that DIY project you've been meaning to do for 6 months and enjoy the accomplishment of actually doing it (and not having that old dresser sitting in the garage anymore). Try 1 new fitness move 5 minutes a day and enjoy a little more strength or flexibility or sculpt.
Do you want your dresser and you to keep being a caterpillar inching along, or do you want for both of you to transform into a super cool butterfly and finally take flight?
And by golly, bake up that recipe you've been drooling over and enjoy the sweetness of life. <3
- Brianne <3
(P.S. I decided to stop waiting and baked up those raspberry cream cheese sweet rolls...let's just say that the recipe did not disappoint! ;) "Contact me" and request the recipe!)