
March 1, 2020

This might look like a funny equation, let me explain.

While there is one, and only one, of you, there are 10 (+) different components that make up the different parts of who you are.

Let me explain a little more. These different components are your wellness.

You oftentimes think of wellness as your physical fitness and nutrition - what kind of 'shape' you're in and what you eat. But, it's so much more than that! Your wellness encompasses your body, mind, soul, spirit - every single aspect of your life.

The 10 components of your wellness are:

  1. Physical fitness
  2. Nutrition
  3. Sleep
  4. Finances
  5. Profession/Purpose
  6. Hobbies
  7. Relationships/Love
  8. Emotions
  9. Spiritual
  10. Technology

These ten parts work together to make who you are. An optimal you has 10 optimally working parts that are in balance and are also closely self-monitored and regulated by you.

Over the next 10 weeks (or a few more if I have other burning topics to talk about) I'll focus on each of these ten areas to give you a little snippet on what this all means.

In the meantime...start thinking about what these things mean to you...or don't mean to you. Self awareness is the first step...are you ready to go on a little journey?

Bring the joy each and every day -

With love,

Brianne <3