20/20 in 2020

December 1, 2019

Happy Holidays!

I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving - spent with family, or friends, or with anyone who brings you joy. <3

My Thanksgiving was with both family and friends, I also spent a morning earlier in the week in first grade with my little pilgrim celebrating the Annual First Grade Thanksgiving Brunch.

Smiles. Innocence. Joy. Laughter. Yes!!

It's the little things folks. Don't let those moments slide by! <3


On another note, I brought this up a few weeks ago - have you made a plan yet?


Did you realize that a new decade is knocking on our door? 2020 is not just "next year".

2020, we oftentimes write as 20/20 as a reference to our vision, and the clarity of our sight.

Now, combine both of those ideas and seek 20/20 clarity - of who you are, of your goals, and what it takes to get there - for 2020.

Have 20/20 clarity on the people who are most important in your life. Who is your little Pilgrim?

Make 2020 not just a new year, but a whole new decade that you specifically plan and design, just for you!

Will you have 20/20 in 2020?


Brianne <3