Raise your hand if you've ever felt a little stress in life.
Okay, I see a couple of you waving out there.
Cooking, cleaning, running kids hither thither, busting it at work, holiday baking, obligatory traveling for the holidays, trying to find the best ugly sweater for the contest at work, finding a present for your kid's teacher that isn't a coffee mug, taking the dog to the vet, decorating the tree, wrapping the presents....
Just waiting for things to slow down.
Just waiting for the dream to arrive that we've been working tirelessly for.
Not living life because we're too busy waiting.
But guess what?
You ALREADY HAVE the dream!
You've ALREADY CREATED the dream!
It's right there, BUT are you actually taking the time to enjoy your dream?
How many people would love to have a family to cook for, loved ones to spend time with, the chance to have fun with coworkers, to have a job they enjoy, to have a pet to love, to have the money to buy a few gifts?
Think of all the people who would wish for the very things we get stressed about and come to resent.
Take a step back, put everything in your life in perspective, and start actively participating joyfully in your life.
It is all up to you.
YOU are in charge of creating your environment and the way you choose to show up, is the way you experience life.
How are you choosing to show up in life?
Let me share with you a short prayer I wrote the other day, and brought me so much comfort - please use it if you need it, too. <3
"Praying for calm, praying for peace, take a deep breath, bless and release."
Enjoy the dream you're living my friend!
Share with me some of the highlights you get to live! <3
Brianne <3