Living With No Regrets. Are You?

February 24, 2020

I just attend THE. MOST. AMAZING conference the past three days. The High Performance Experience in San Diego put on by the one and only Brendon Burchard was an inspiration-packed, energy-driven, tribe-trending, butt-kicking, hug-lovin', dream-answering, dream-creating event that many could only wish to be a part of. I was blessed to have the chance to attend with about 2,500 new friends from 40 countries around the world.

Brendon spoke with love about finding meaning, connection, and vibrancy in life - a life that otherwise can be empty, lonely, and dull.

One concept he spoke of was about regret, and how in the last days of bed-ridden hospice patients' lives, they think back on the life they were a part of. Naturally they'll recount the moments - the birthday parties, vacations, and other milestones. They'll pass through their minds the family and friends that made a mark somewhere on their timeline of life.

Thoughts then taker a deeper approach:

Did I love with my heart of hearts each and every day? Are there relationships that I never mended? Words left unsaid? Were there relationships that I simply didn't create or take to a deeper level because I was scared? Or maybe I uttered the common and ever-dangerous statement of, "I'll do it another time." ...and that other time never got to arrive.

Did I live life with every ounce of fullness I could each and every day? Did I stop to smell the roses? Did I take my family on the vacation I promised them? Did I treat myself to a few fancy coffee drinks or other treats even though I was "penny-pinching"...the money I couldn't take with me.

Did I make a difference each and every day? Was I the role model to my kids/loved ones that I should have been? Did I teach them through my actions how to treat others with kindness, to handless stress with grace, to breath in patience and exhale frustration? Did I not only work my butt off at work, but also connect on a genuine level with the people there? Did I contribute to my church/organization/club in a meaningful way?

Was I present each and every day? Did I actually show up and LIVE THE LIFE I was blessed with, or, did I get so busy being in my own head and wrapped up in a virtual life that I passively let every opportunity for connection, meaning, and vibrancy walk right by me?

These End of Life Regret questions are personal to you - insert the questions that mean the most to you and ask yourself these question each and every day. Every day may not always be a 'yes', but it will serve as a reminder to make the next day a little better. When it comes time for you to answer your actual End of Life questions, there won't be any surprises - you'll already know your answers; you've been answering them every day.

Each day has to be approached with conscious intent, failure to do so will allow your default settings to answer the questions for you. Be very sure of your answers and go out and live a meaningful, connected and VIBRANT life!

With love,

Brianne <3