Necessity OR Opportunity?
So here we are. Again. Another week into Safer at Home. I'm NOT going to go political. I'm NOT going to go medical. I AM going to go perspective.
Necessity OR Opportunity.
Safer at Home has brought on a new season - a season of new habits and new routines, new mindsets and new perspectives. How did you approach all of these new things? Depending on how COVID-19 has affected you personally and professionally, it will certainly change the lens through which you view our new world. Everyone is the same in that we have a new normal, everyone is different in what the normal is, and most certainly everyone is different in how they respond and view their new normal.
So what is your new normal? Are you an essential employee? Are you non-essential? Do you have kids? Do you have loved ones you need to care for? Have your travel, wedding, graduation, birthday, and ALL other plans been canceled or altered? Have you suddenly become a full-time mom AND full-time teacher AND full-time work-at-home employee AND a full-time everything else person?
That's a lot of full-time.
Maybe your time is more part-time, or maybe even no-time.
Life is different. Have you adjusted to this new life out of necessity, or out of opportunity? One might argue that everyone is adjusting because they have to, why else would they do it? Okay, fair, but the other consideration is your perspective on it. Yeah, it's a glass half full or glass half empty analogy.
Do you see Safer at Home as a chance (maybe even an excuse??) to shake things up and refocus? A excuse to FINALLY have quality time with the family without distractions of running crazy. The opportunity to FINALLY read that novel that's been staring at you from the bookshelf. A chance to FINALLY start a new workout routine. What is it for you?
Which habits/routines/behaviors have you done out of necessity and which ones have you done out of opportunity? If everything has been seen as necessity, is it serving you? Maybe it is time to view your reality as an opportunity - just as every day is - a gift, given to you.
If your reality has been turned upside down as an essential employee, I thank you.
Take care - be healthy, happy, and bring the joy -
Brianne <3
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