Agghhh - Welcome to Back 2 You!

October 22, 2019

Welcome to blog #1 from Back 2 You...! You know that stirring feeling that you get when you just feel like there is something you need to do? Sometimes that is relieved by a quick trip to the restroom, but other times, that stirring is much deeper - a desire, a compulsion even, of something that just has to be done. So that's how this blog...and some other adventures of mine...have come to be.

I'm going to start by sharing a little bit about me...and then a little bit about Back 2 You...

My name is Brianne Massman - I'm a mom of 2 totally awesome boys. We love our adventures together - traveling, playing (I never knew I'd be so good at football), and learning patience, lol. My husband joins in the fun, too, when he's not busy working hard for our family. I am also the director at an amazing community center about 15 minutes from the family farm we live on. I get the chance daily to meet awesome people, implement helpful and life-changing experiences, and also create wellness based, coach led programs to help change peoples lives in a whole new way.

And I love helping people so much I seek chances to do this on my own, too. And that's what leads me here...

Back 2 You, because somehow in the day-in and day-out grind of kids, work, home...wash, rinse, repeat... women have lost themselves. We embrace the journey of motherhood and professionalism - but why is it that these very things that we hold sacred and cherish, can also take our very essence from us? Mamas put their focus on everyone and everything except themselves - but NOW is the time for that to change.

Back 2 You is about wellness, awareness, empowerment, feeling happier, feeling in control, setting goals and working towards them; it is about (mostly women, mainly mamas) getting back in touch with who they are.

Mama, it's time to come.... Back 2 You <3 .

Please take my quick survey as I collect some data for a research project I'm doing - I appreciate you taking the time to help <3 . .

Please stay tuned for weekly blogs about wellness, life, tips, stories, and whatever else I may dream up... women and men alike are welcome to read along. Thanks for tuning in :) . - Brianne